Functional Microbiome Analysis HOME TESTING KIT BiomeFx

Functional Microbiome Analysis HOME TESTING KIT BiomeFx

This simple at-home test shows the abundance of:

🦠14 Important Keystone species

🦠29+ pathogens

🦠Microbial cross – feeding relationships

🦠20+ functions of the Microbiome


The Gut Microbiome
One hundred trillion bacteria, yeast, fungus, and other microorganisms live in the human microbiome. This complex ecology affects a wide range of things, including digestion, immunity, emotional health, and much more. The gut microbiome is a community in which every bacteria performs vital functions that benefit the community as a whole. Certain microorganisms break down food and transfer the metabolites to different species. Some members assist the immune system of the host, aid in food metabolism, preserve the gut barrier, and keep the pH of the gut at a healthy level. When present in small quantities, even opportunistic species are vital!

The entire microbial community is impacted when species become out of balance or when there is a loss of biodiversity in the gut. This has a cascade effect that may show up in seemingly unconnected ways.

The entire microbial community is impacted when species become out of balance or when there is a loss of biodiversity in the gut. This has a cascading impact that can show up in parts of the body that don't seem to be connected.

Diversity is Key
Alpha diversity represents the species variety of the bacteria that are present in your gut microbiome. When evaluating general health and longevity, alpha-diversity is a crucial element since it is associated with a greater diversity of bacterial species and a more resilient microbiome.

The difference between species in two distinct ecosystems is known as beta-diversity. This marker shows how diverse your gut flora is overall in relation to a healthy population. This is a crucial reference marker because, although the diversity within your personal microbiome may be high, beta-diversity within your microbiome may be low in comparison to healthy populations. This would suggest that you should give microbial variety top emphasis moving forward. You can gain valuable knowledge into enhancing your beta-diversity by closely examining your keystone species. Progress is always the aim, not perfection.

Looking at your Microbiome’s Resilience
The stability and richness of your gut microbiome are gauged by the Resistome Occurrence Index. Furthermore, it serves as an indicator of the microbiome's general robustness and durability. Through a process known as competitive exclusion, bacteria in the microbiome can create chemicals and natural anti-microbials to compete with one another. Your gut's resilience and richness may be low if your index is low.

Resilience to gut-damaging elements will be higher in an expanded and robust gut flora. The more bacterial and fungal species that your microbiome can tolerate in a healthy competitive environment, the more resilient it will become. The gut's ecology may be out of balance if there is not enough competition among the microbes there. The gut microbiome's ability to defend the human host depends on healthy microbial competition in the gut, much as a sailboat cannot sail in the absence of wind resistance.

How to Address Gut Infections
With BiomeFx, you can quantify the relative abundance of over 25 pathogens as a percentage of your overall microbiome. This is not the same as conventional stool testing, which looks for any detectable amount of microorganisms. It is normal to have a few pathogens in your microbiome, but what matters is their relative abundance in relation to your other microbes. In order to preserve a healthy ecosystem, a robust microbiome is equipped with durable keystone strains as well as fierce competition among species. One of the things that keeps infections in check is this healthy rivalry.

BiomeFx can provide a tailored approach to counterbalance pathogen recurrence by assessing several facets of microbial strength, resilience, and balance. It's also important to remember that older technologies' sequencing methods have a high probability of false positives when it comes to pathogen detection. Whole genome sequencing is the most precise technology available, and this is just one of the factors contributing to that.

How your Microbiome Functions
The effects of the microbiome on hormone balance, neurotransmitters, autoimmune, detoxification, digestion, and disease risk are becoming more and more clear to researchers. The capacity to assess the impact of the gut microbiome on illness risk is among BiomeFX's most distinctive features. BiomeFx can assist you in spotting early deviations from a healthy population because it has the largest database of healthy samples.

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*Overview of labs not included*

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