Wholistic Livin Blog — charleston

Functional Microbiome Analysis HOME TESTING KIT BiomeFx

Functional Microbiome Analysis HOME TESTING KIT BiomeFx
The Gut Microbiome
One hundred trillion bacteria, yeast, fungus, and other microorganisms live in the human microbiome. This complex ecology affects a wide range of things, including digestion, immunity, emotional health, and much more. The gut microbiome is a community in which every bacteria performs vital functions that benefit the community as a whole. Certain microorganisms break down food and transfer the metabolites to different species. Some members assist the immune system of the host, aid in food metabolism, preserve the gut barrier, and keep the pH of the gut at a healthy level. When present in small quantities, even opportunistic species are vital!

The entire microbial community is impacted when species become out of balance or when there is a loss of biodiversity in the gut. This has a cascade effect that may show up in seemingly unconnected ways.

The entire microbial community is impacted when species become out of balance or when there is a loss of biodiversity in the gut. This has a cascading impact that can show up in parts of the body that don't seem to be connected.